Orange County Property Tax App

Orange County Property Tax App
making property tax info simple!
Orange County officials recently launched the property tax application. The intent is for Orange County homeowners and buyers to easily get the info they want when it comes to their property taxes. App users can quickly bring up detailed info on their home or maybe a home they are interested in purchasing. It’s similar to looking up the actual tax bill on the assessor’s website, but much simpler. It’s easy to find the tax rate, tax amount, and shows how the tax dollars are spent.
Once you enter the address, you will see:
- Total tax rate
- Current total taxes dollar amount
- Basic levy rate
- Rate & dollar amount of all taxes
- Rate & dollar amount of special assessments, including Mello-Roos
- The APN shows on the top right – you can click through it to the actual tax bill
The app works on all devices.
Follow the link above to see how it works
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