Dana Point Farmers Market

In light of Governor Newson’s Executive Order, listing Farmers Markets as being an Essential Function, the Dana Point Farmers Market remains open.
As of March 26, 2020 – In order to comply with measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, Dana Point City, working with the Orange County Health Care Agency, has amended Dana Point Farmers Market permit to include the following:
- Limit sales to whole, uncut produce and packaged food items
- No other retail booths, food preparation food booths, or sampling of unpackaged food
- Post signs reminding customers to wash all produce before consumption
- Customers are to be reminded to stay home if sick, even with mild symptoms
- Market Manager responsible to ensure crowds are staggered to provide for social distancing of customers
- Allow for space between produce stands
- Provide hand-washing stations
- Operations must comply with the most recent guidance and recommendations of the Orange County Health Officer.
For up-to-date information, please visit:
City of Dana Point COVID-19 Updates
For hours and directions visit : DanaPointFarmersMarket.com
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